The raison d’être of the Chair of Transitions

General principles of the Chair of Transitions Today, the word "transition" is widely used by scientists and ordinary people alike. It's no coincidence, since it's a fact that humanity is facing unprecedented challenges that both global science and the collective conscience need to address. But what do we mean when we talk about transition? In fact, there isn't just one transition, but many.
We immediately think of the ecological transition, which has become vital for the future of the human species, sustainable development and the circular economy. But a transition is also a change of perspective: how the South and Africa in particular, once considered problems, can become solutions, how global crises can also benefit from local experiences.

Finally, transitions are the great scientific mystery of our time. Knowledge of the different states of reality has progressed exponentially, but we still don't clearly understand why there are different states of reality, and why and how we move from one state to another.
How do we move from the undulatory (indeterministic) to the corpuscular (deterministic) world, from the inert to the living world, from one animal species to another, from the liquid to the gaseous state (phase transition), from a neural network to thought, from global connections to a possible planetary consciousness, from a group of individuals to a common, collective, political identity? We can describe these transitions statistically, but we don't understand the nature and meaning of these reversals. What is the nature of this strange property of matter to transcend itself? Generating new hypotheses based on empirical research and conceptual analysis is the raison d'être of the Chair of Transitions.

General principles of the Chair of Transitions
  • • It enables the IAS to promote itself with more efficiency on the international stage.
  • • It provides a link between university teachings, seminars and other IAS activities.
  • • It enables to receive private and public funds for the benefit of the IAS.
  • • It provides a link between the IAS and research students (including the creation of innovative training courses on transitions).
  • • It supports several major projects on Transitions.
  • • The Chair supports the development of post graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral researchs on transitions.

The Chair of Transitions is headed by a University Professor or equivalent, it also:
  • • Carries out specific research.
  • • Develops specific means of dissemination.
  • • Belongs to and participates in international research networks on transitions.

Research projects in process

  • • Global Identity Studies (research project that was initiated at Columbia University 2017 - 2020), currently one of the projects of The Chair of Transitions.
  • • Global Identity Digitals (Project to set up an innovative digital humanities application, currently under development, for the IAS).
  • • The Chair of Transitions collaborates with The Anxiety Culture Program, launched by American and German researchers. It is a comprehensive medium- and long-term research initiative addressing four major societal blockages. These include collective anxiety concerning climate change, intensifying migratory flows, technology (specifically digital technology and AI), and global health threats. Integrating this program into the Chair of Transitions enables the IAS to establish connections with international research teams focused on overcoming these challenges, fostering a collective approach to tackle transitional obstacles.
  • • Human Energy project ( is a large-scale international research project located at the University of California, Berkeley. It focuses on transitions in human identity in the face of technological use and scientific development, between dangers and opportunities. The partnership between the Human Energy Project and The Chair of Transitions is currently being set up. The Transitions Chairholder has been invited to give an inaugural lecture on this work at the HE Project’s international conference in San Francisco in November 2023. As a partner of The Chair of Transitions, the Human Energy Project participates in the international promotion of UM6P’s IAS.

  • All projects require transdisciplinary post-graduates, PhD students and post-docs, working in collaboration with IAS residents and guests.


  • • (Benguerir-Marseille-Paris-New York-Chicago).
  • • Anxiety Culture network (Benguerir - New York - Kiel - Bremen):
  • • Human Energy Project. (


  • • Le Mouvement des Transitions (Maison des Métallos / Under the aegis of the City of Paris). Bi-monthly event, production of podcasts broadcast on various media, including Arté Radio. The Chair of Transitions supports the principle of the Transitions Movement.
    Objective: To build up a library of podcasts on the Transitions Movement involving UM6P researchers and students. Set up sessions with residents and guests from the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS).
  • • Organization of International Conferences and Seminars on Global Identity Studies (Objective: to foster the emergence of a new transdisciplinary human science). Possible joint organization with foreign universities (Columbia University, Chicago University and Aix-Marseille University).