How to apply for a residency

Candidates wishing to apply for a residency at UM6P's Institute for Advanced Studies must submit a research project covering at least one of these seven programs ( However, the description of the program is only indicative. We don't want to preconceive the proposed research, since the spirit of our IAS is to allow new ideas to emerge in all fields of knowledge, with transitions as the only common denominator. In other words, a project may not fit a priori and strictly into one of the themes described above, precisely because it envisages a completely new and therefore hitherto unthought-of perspective. This is why, in the final analysis, the selection will be based primarily on the novelty and coherence of the perspective envisaged in the research project.

Applicants can apply for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 10 months of residency, depending on the size of the project.

IAS Research Priorities

Candidates' projects will be evaluated according to three main criteria:

First evaluation criterion: Candidate’s research experience in general, involvement in international research networks, level of excellence, and specific scientific achievements (a PhD is required for scientists; artistic achievements in the case of an artist residency)..
Second evaluation criterion: Internal coherence of the project, originality in the scientific field (or in the artistic field in the case of an artist residency), and potential impact of the proposed research project.
Third evaluation criterion: Correspondence of the project with one or more of the IAS research priorities.

Residency Conditions at IAS Benguerir

• Provision of accommodation;
• Catering provided;
• One round trip from the place of residency to the place of domicile funded;
• Other travels initiated by the IAS as part of a research program or the promotion of the IAS may also be covered;
• Any other travel considered exceptional will be covered by the resident.

Documents to be provided and uploaded in the form :

  • • A letter of intention.
  • • A full curriculum vitae, including in particular degrees, publications and positions held.
  • • One to four personal publications.
  • • A half-page summary of the project.
  • • An expanded version of the project, minimum three pages, maximum ten pages, excluding appendices.